Clean Energy hosts media at Salkhit windfarm construction site
On October 19th, 2012, Clean Energy hosted media representatives at the Salkhit construction site. The tour was organized by the Millennium Challenge Account-Mongolia and aimed at introducing the projects and programs the MCA has implemented and partnered with in Mongolia. MCA-Mongolia has been one of the key partners for the Salkhit wind farm project. Through its Energy and Environment project, MCA-Mongolia is funding the upgrading of the Nalaikh substation and the installation of 28km fiber optic cables from Ulaanbaatar to Nalaikh substations. A training simulator will be installed at the National Dispatching Center under the project as well. The Salkhit Windfarm shall provide for energy needs of 100,000 households and save 190,000 tons of coal and 1.6 million tons of water. It shall prevent emission of 200,000 tons of CO2.